Secondaria di I grado di Coggiola XXV Aprile, 60 13863 Coggiola (BI)
Tel. 015/78533
Libri di Testo a.s. 2022/23
La nostra scuola
Riportiamo di seguito la descrizione svolta dai ragazzi della Scuola Secondaria di I grado di Coggiola, in lingua inglese.
Our names are Chiara, Francesco and Giada and we go to Coggiola Secondary School.
It’s a small school with three classes for boys and girls. The students don't wear uniforms.
In the school, there are about 48 students from 11 to 14 years old and a lot of them play musical instruments. Our school specialises in music. There is also an orchestra and a choir. We love choir.
The school is modern, with a lot of electronic whiteboards and computers. There is a gym where students play basketball and tennis. There is an ICT lab with computers, a science lab and a music lab.
The school day starts at 8:00 a.m and finishes at 2 p.m. Every day there are six different lessons (each lesson is 55 minutes). Some of the school subjects are Maths, Italian, English, Science, Music, History, etc. etc. The school also has some interesting afternoon clubs, for example, sports club, ICT club, tailoring, carpentry and art club.
In allegato l'offerta formativa della scuola.